Saturday, July 30, 2011

2 weeks... 2 meetings a day- complete

Two weeks of meetings- two meetings a day (Children's meeting followed by meetings on Future Events). Both of the meetings were well attended. The meetings on future events were challenging and extremely interesting.

The following are pictures from this weeks' events:

Sunday: This picture is of the last meeting (gospel meeting Sunday night) in the tin hall. 
 Monday: Children's meeting
 Cutting styrofoam rectangles by table saw to be used to create Moises' body in the activity for the younger children. 
 Francisco reading part of the night's selection of reading
 Those in attendance...
 Saul stayed awake to participate in the activity!
 Esteban with his Moises figure! :)
The younger children... and a couple of mother's working!


 Coloring page over the tabernacle.
 The ladies... faithfully preparing the snack for the children. 
 Joel giving the quiz questions
 The prize table on Friday night!

Wednesday: The parables of Balaam

 Creating talking donkey puppets!
 ...and enjoying their snacks!

Thursday: The bronze serpent
 Afrika... the sister of America and Francia
 Oscar Alfredo with his bronze serpent
 Miss Madeline

Friday: Crossing the Jordan! (finally! :) )
 All of the nightly verses... the verses the children said nightly to gain points. For extra verse points the children could learn Psalms 105 & 106. 
 The lesson... and a few of the over 90 people that were in attendance!
Dowson and Hegel... enjoying their pozole

Tomorrow is the inauguration of the new hall here in Zapopan. Following the breaking of bread, the program for the end of the school year will take place with those who were in attendance saying verses! There is much excitement in anticipation for the big day! 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

And we are halfway through...

The following are pictures from Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday nights of the children's meetings that are taking the children from Egypt to Canaan:
Backtrack to night 2:

Wednesday (Night 3) Moses crosses the Red Sea:

 Miss Cloe! :)

 Erika and Saul... at the end of a long day
 Timothy teaching the verse
 Activity for those 7 and younger: Moses crossing the Red Sea pieces put together to create a scene

Thursday (Night 4) Manna in the wilderness:
 Joel leading the singing with the children

 Timothy lifting Oscar to reach the board

 The younger children coloring after creating baskets with manna on them on paper

Friday (Night 5) Water from the Rock (these pictures are compliments of Erika!):
There were 86 souls in the room to hear the message!

 Watching as Timothy entertains the children while teaching them the nightly verse...

 Oscar with the activity of the night: Picture scene of water from the rock

 all of the children: at least 33 ages 7 and younger
Fabiola, Marisolina, and I :)

Saturday at Tonala :)

Please continue to pray for those that are attending the children's meetings and the future event meetings each night... that there may be blessing. 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Update- Children's Meetings

I apologize for not updating sooner... the last couple of weeks have flown by with preparations for children's meetings and the end of school last week the actual meetings going on this week there is much to do!

I finished out the school term well- it was difficult, but I feel as though I learned new things that were helpful... which is the point I guess!

We are almost half way through a 2-week series of children's meetings, as well as a simultaneous 2-week series on events of the future following each night. The meetings are taking place in the new hall- something the Christians were excited about! So far the attendance has been excellent to both sets of meetings. Please pray for those attending the meetings, that there may be blessing here in Zapopan.

Nights 1-2: From Egypt to Canaan
 (Picture for Dad: check out the lights!! :) )

 Timothy is in charge of teaching the verse each night.

 Color activity for night 1

 A proud grandma with Miss Cloé Victoria

 Night 2 activity for the younger children... passover lambs

Night 2 had 22 children all in a 12 passenger van for a ride!

I will try to get more pictures posted soon! :)