Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from Albuquerque/Phoenix!

While I don't have a behind the song/writer this weekend I thought I'd share this video... Enjoy- I think it is worth watching the whole way through!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Holiday Break!

The semester is finished and I survived :) I was so VERY thankful and ready for a break!!

Today I spent all day (minus a few hours at work) in the kitchen baking and listening to Christmas music- it was lovely. I love to bake for others and enjoy spending hours in a kitchen experimenting when there is time... which is rare. While I work with food WAY too much for my jobs, free time baking is much more fun and much less common :) I am happy to report that after making 8 different items they all turned out well (and no- there are no thin, crunchy cookies my friends :))!

Here is a taste of the some of the results:

This is one of the platters that is going to be delivered :)
(Lft to Rt- White Chocolate Blueberry Cheesecake Cookies, White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake Cookies, Holly treats, Mocha Crinkles, Chow Mein Clusters, and a few pretzels sprinkled around)

*not pictured: gluten free chow mein clusters, flourless peanut butter/chocolate/butterscotch cookies, and pretzels with caramel/chocolate!

Now for the rest of break: relaxing with a book, the final shopping, shipping, wrapping, Christmas time with my parents and sisters, and a trip to Phoenix... and time to relax again after I get home in preparation for my final semester of classes :D

Have a WONDERFUL holiday season. Tis the season to celebrate the Saviour :)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Faint Not, Christian, though the Road

I have been enjoying the books Hymns and their Writers  and More Hymns and their Writers (Jack Strahan) over significant period of time. I hope to be able to share the story of a hymn and its writer each week.

Written by James Harinton Evans (1785-1849), "Faint not, Christian, thought the road" was the last of many hymns written, however, it is the most known. Having loved music, Evans used his strong singing voice and many hours at the piano and violoncello each day, he found it relaxing to sing hymns at the close of the day."Faint not, Christian, thought the road" appeared in the 1833 hymnal. It was first entitled "Patient Endurance" based on Hebrews 12:3 "For consider Him that endured..., lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds." It was interesting to read that the metre and melody of this hymn are written to reflect a footfall of a traveller on the heavenly roadway.

Faint not, Christian, though the road
Leading to thy blest abode
Darksome be and dangerous too, 
Christ, thy Guide, will bring thee through. 

Faint not, Christian, though the rage
Satan doth thy soul engage;
Take thee faith's anointed shield, 
Bear it to the battle-field. 

Faint not, Christian, through the world
Hath its hostile flag unfurled, 
Hold the Cross of Jesus fast, 
Thou shalt overcome at last.

Faint not, Christian,though within
There's a heart so prone to sin;
Christ, the Lord, is over all- 
He'll not suffer thee to fall.

Faint not, Christian,though thy God
Smite thee with the chastening rod, 
Smite He must, with Father's care, 
That He may His love declare.

Faint not, Christian! Christ is near;
Soon in glory He'll appear;
Then shall cease thy toil and strife,
Death be swallowed up of life.

Don't give up. Faint not. The journey is hard. The journey is tiring. The travel isn't easy, but HE is enough for the journey, and the traveller may go safely to the end if they keep their focus on HIM.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

It's the most wonderful time of the year....

Okay for some... it may not be the MOST wonderful time of the year, but the spirit that is in the year is certainly a Christmas one!

Watch the attached video for your holiday listening pleasure:
Festival of Carols (Legacy Five) :)

Snowy December

As we have gotten two days of snow, I am reminded of a couple of things- (1) that I didn't miss the snow, being cold, scraping the windows, and driving through the snow. However, I was reminded of the beauty of the snow. God creations are so amazing. With the tree branches covered in white- the sight is beautiful. Driving home the other night from work, looking at the snow all around and still falling I found myself singing:

Then sings my soul,
My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art!
How great Thou art!
Then sings my soul,
My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art!
How great Thou art!

Enjoy the day (whether snowy or sunny)! 

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Thankful from the 14th to the 30th :)

Yes- I know it is already December but due to the craziness of this time of the year- and mostly because of the end of the semester on the horizon, I am playing catchup on this post!

Day 14: I am thankful for another year that God has given me. With the 14th being my birthday, I am thankful for the opportunities that I've been able to take advantage of this past year and for the lessons He has taught me. 
Day 15: I am thankful for music. To be able to lift a joyful noise unto the Lord through song is such a beautiful thing. 
Day 16: I am thankful for Savannah. While there are many challenges she has brought, her contagious smile, looks, and laughter has been something that I appreciate and love. 
Day 17: I am thankful for Maria. Yes, though she might not believe it! She tests my patience and doesn't let me get away with ANYTHING. However, it has been nice to be able to have 2 jobs together, and bounce off each other when needed. 
Day 18: I am thankful for Alyssa. She might be taller than I am by a long ways, but she is still my "little" sister. 
Day 19: I am thankful for my parents- while many times growing up I wondered why they did the things they did/said- today I am truly grateful for their love, discipline, protection, and their Godly example. They are servants in the place God has put them. I am thankful for them- I can't 
Day 20: I am thankful for coffee and tea- they are my helpmates in times of need and stress, my late night study partners. :)
Day 21: I am thankful to the Thiessen family for taking me in two summers in a row- to deal with my oddness, to feed and board me, to help me with my Spanish, to guide me, to let me be a part of their family during my stays. The list is endless, but I am thankful God has given me them :)
Day 22: I am thankful for some of the greatest friends- while the miles are spread between us all, the connection is still there. From Michigan to Iowa to Arizona to Mexico to El Salvador and beyond far and near, God has given me some good friends :) Two in particular have been there to talk, to share the things of God, to grow, to learn, and to become my closest friends (you know who you are!) :)
Day 23: I am thankful for the power of prayer. It is amazing what God can do!
Day 24: I am thankful for Thanksgiving day that comes once a year, where we can gather together as a family to enjoy time together.
Day 25: I am thankful for warm and comfy sweatpants/pjs (aka "spandex") on cold snowy days! (and rainy days too ;) )
Day 26: I am thankful for the love and patience of God. He is the God of many chances and his love for me is never failing.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

thankful days 12-13

Day 12: I am thankful for a good Saturday- to spend time with family, do homework, and work :)

Day 13: I am thankful for a moment in my life when I came to know Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. It has made all the difference...

Friday, November 11, 2011

Days 9-11 giving thanks

Day 9: I am thankful for the ability to have 2 flexible jobs. It is lovely to be able to leave for extended periods of time or need random days off and still have both of the jobs. Both jobs give me hours that very very rarely ever coincide with meeting- it is great and something I am very thankful for! Sunridge Village Retirement has given me 5+ years of experience and Hap Abraham Catering has given me almost 3 years of some of the most interesting experiences and opportunities. I am thankful for my jobs.

Day 10: I am thankful for the Rockstars- Burke High School's students with moderate to severe disabilities. Each one is so unique, so talented. They conquer their fears and find the courage to overcome disabilities, to perform in front of large crowds, to persevere to take steps. They stole my heart... again- as they each performed in the musical!

 Hannah (in the purple) singing :)
 Andy and Miranda- a song that brought tears and many cheers in the end!

 Oh Curtis... being blind doesn't hold him back :) I remember singing with you in front of the school at an assembly but a few years ago. :)

 Miss Becca and I- she graduated last year, but her hugs are the best :)

* I have a great video of them singing, but I will post it later! *

Day 11: Today I am thankful for freedom. The United States of America is called "the land of the free." Americans honor Veterans and soldiers today and remember the freedoms that they have fought for and the freedom we have here.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 8 Thankful

Day 8: I am thankful for my placement for my practicum hours. God has provided me with a great opportunity to get hands on experience in the classroom, while being able to practice my poor Spanish skills. Not having a Spanish class this semester had me worried, but I am having GREAT practice with the kids, while being able to do something I love- help children learn :)

Monday, November 7, 2011


Day 7: I am thankful for the many opportunities I have had to travel. Traveling is something I love to do- whether on 4 wheels or in a plane. Without the support of my family I would never have seen the parts of the world that I have-Canada, Ukraine, Amsterdam, Guatemala, El Salvador, and many parts of the USA and Mexico! Traveling has taught me many lessons about myself and about the world and I can't wait to plan my next trip :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

It's Sunday- and I thankful day 6

Day 6- I'm thankful today that I can gather this another Lord's Day to remember the One who died for me. What a wonderful thing it is to be able to gather around the table each Sunday and be able to worship Him. The One who gave His all for me at the cross.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Thankful day 3-5

I know, I am already getting behind! However, I am still thankful despite of my postings!

November 3 (day 3): I am thankful for the opportunity to be able to attend university to obtain a degree. The chance to become educated at the University of Nebraska at Omaha has helped me to extend my education, be a testimony before others, and has given me many other opportunities that have benefited me as well! I have grow from the experiences and have strengthened my faith. University is not easy- from all aspects, but God has given me the opportunity to learn skills and get a higher education that will help me in my service for Him.

Day 4: Days like today, when I am in an elementary school with 18 kids sneezing, coughing, sniffing, and blowing  germs all around me, I am thankful for the health I have been given. Thankfully, so far, I have a strong immune system and thankfully it takes alot to make me sick (aside from the occasional food encounter!).

Day 5: I am thankful for today. A Saturday that has been productive and enjoyable. A Saturday when I am not spending hours on my feet catering, but a day with my family. Family pictures that were successful, a meal where we are all together, a little shopping, a little nap, an unexpected paycheck, muffins made and an afternoon at home each of us doing our own activities lots of homework done, and breakfast for supper all as a family again! Yeah, today was a good day and I am thankful. Oh- AND I get an extra hour of sleep :) :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thankful day 1 and 2

November is a month that reminds Americans about being thankful. With Thanksgiving-a day of thankfulness at the end of the month, I would like to just share what I am thankful for on each day of this month (days 1-30).

Day 1: I am thankful for a home that I can come to- that has air condition AND heat. A home that contains my room, a bed, food, and the necessities.

Day 2: I am thankful for the invention of the heated blanket/mattress cover! As it snows/rains outside my window, I am thankful that I have one that was given to me as a gift. I am not one for liking to be cold- so what a wonderful thing to be able to be warmed! :)

I hope I don't bore you with these posts- but you don't have to read them!! :)

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A pumpkin patch kind of day!

Today was a cool, breezy fall day for a trip with Suzy to Vala's Pumpkin Patch. There were mazes, caramel apples, bouncy pillows, houses, animals, pumpkins (of course!) and much much more!

Here are some pictures from our adventure!
 The future teacher :)
 Suzy in the castle awaiting her prince charming!
 For the last several falls...and this fall (and for the falls to come)... I'm over 5 foot :D
 John Deere riders only

 Corn stalks in the corn maze

 Horse drawn school bus

 "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."  Psalm 119:105 
"The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?
the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?"
Psalm 27:1

 Trouble... she knows where to find it :)

 Of course we couldn't resist the sign that said "For older kids and adults"! :) Bounce pillows
 Why good afternoon Mr. Llama
 Gotta get a picture with the pumpkins!
Oh, look! There we are :)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Maple Leaves

I was just enjoying sharing calenders for the coming year (it's hard to believe another year is almost over!) and a gorgeous fall day in Baldwin City, KS at the Maple Leaf Festival. The town was bustling with people and activity, people set up booths to try and sell their crafts, goods, and food, and the gospel was spread amongst the people as calenders were freely passed out...

A few pictures from the fall day!
 Maria and Alyssa enjoying the day

 I love the colors of the leaves changing in the fall!
 sugar kettle corn... always a treat at Maple Leaf... YUM! :)

A few pictures of my baking on Friday night...
 Candy corn cookies
 ... and pumpkin cookies with a glaze drizzle :) 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The teacher interview

For my teacher friends (and for anyone else who wants to read)! :)

After being interviewed by the school administration,
the eager teaching prospect said:

"Let me see if I've got this right … You want me to go into
that room with all those kids, and fill their every waking moment with a love for learning. And I'm supposed to instill a sense of pride in their ethnicity, modify their disruptive behavior, observe them for signs of abuse and even censor their T-shirt messages and dress habits.

You want me to wage a war on drugs and sexually transmitted
diseases, check their backpacks for weapons of mass destruction, and raise their self esteem.

You want me to teach them patriotism, good citizenship,
sportsmanship, fair play, how to register to vote, how to balance a
checkbook, and how to apply for a job.

I am to check their heads for lice, maintain a safe environment, recognize signs of anti-! social behavior, make sure all students pass the mandatory state exams, even those who don't come to school regularly or complete any of their assignments.

Plus, I am to make sure that all of the students with handicaps get an equal education regardless of the extent of their mental
or physical handicap.
I am to communicate regularly with the parents by letter, telephone, newsletter and report card.
All of this I am to do with just a piece of chalk, a computer, a few books, a bulletin board, a big smile , AND on a starting salary that qualifies my family for food stamps!

You want me to do all of this and yet you still expect me......

We do it because we love what we do! Because "one hundred years from now, it will not matter what kind of car I drove, what kind of house I lived in, how much money I had in my back account, or what my clothes looked like, but the world may be a little better because I was important in the life of a child" (Unknown author) Happy teaching :)

Monday, October 10, 2011

It is well with my soul

Horatio Spafford (1828-1888) was a wealthy Chicago lawyer with a thriving legal practice, a beautiful home, a wife, four daughters and a son. He was also a devout Christian and faithful student of the Scriptures. His circle of friends included Dwight L. Moody, Ira Sankey and various other well-known Christians of the day.

At the very height of his financial and professional success, Horatio and his wife Anna suffered the tragic loss of their young son. Shortly thereafter on October 8, 1871, the Great Chicago Fire destroyed almost every real estate investment that Spafford had.

In 1873, Spafford scheduled a boat trip to Europe in order to give his wife and daughters a much needed vacation and time to recover from the tragedy. He also went to join Moody and Sankey on an evangelistic campaign in England. Spafford sent his wife and daughters ahead of him while he remained in Chicago to take care of some unexpected last minute business. Several days later he received notice that his family's ship had encountered a collision with the message “saved alone.”  All four of his daughters drowned; only his wife had survived.

With a heavy heart, Spafford boarded a boat that would take him to his grieving Anna in England. It was on this trip that he penned those now famous words, 
When sorrow like sea billows roll; it is well, it is well with my soul.. 

Philip Bliss (1838-1876), composer of many songs was so impressed with Spafford's life and the words of his hymn that he composed a beautiful piece of music to accompany the lyrics. The song was published by Bliss and Sankey, in 1876.

For more than a century, the tragic story of one man has given hope to countless thousands who have lifted their voices to sing, 
It Is Well With My Soul. 

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live:
If Jordan above me shall roll,
No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life
Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul.

But, Lord, ‘tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait,
The sky, not the grave, is our goal;
Oh trump of the angel! Oh voice of the Lord!
Blessèd hope, blessèd rest of my soul!

And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.

* there are other verses that I did not include 

Trials will arise, life with burden you, but the Lord is there. Through the pain and suffering and in the joys of life we are reminded in Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” When things happen to us, how do we respond? Do we blame God? Do we lose faith in Him? or can I say within my hear that it is well with my soul?

Have a marvelous Monday :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The following (2) videos are just an interesting peek at social media and the world through comparisons to put things in a little perspective. Just for your interest...

Social media: 
The world: 


just a post with nothing inspirational or challenging... but for enjoyment :)

Things I love about the fall season:
baking. breezy air. birthday. burnt orange, brown, red, and yellow colors. 
cool weather. coffee.  caramel. crunchy leaves. chai lattes. caramel apples. 
cool mornings and evenings but warm afternoons. cinnamon. pumpkins. 
flannel sheets. good sleeping weather. 
harvest. heated mattress cover. kettle corn. 
pumpkin everything, (including pumpkin spice lattes). 
planning the next escape. pumpkin muffins sprinkled with chocolate chips. 
sweatshirts. scarves. soup- especially chili. sweaters.
tights & skirts.  thanksgiving. words ‘crisp’ & ‘cozy’.  

And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: Daniel 2:21

Have a good Thursday-- enjoy the day that the Lord hath made :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Jesus love me, this I know! :)

I would just like to share with you something that put an impression on my heart and challenged me as well. This post is a bit long, but I think that it is worth the time to read through it all. Feel free to share your thoughts as well!

Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever. For, lo, they that are far from thee shall perish: thou hast destroyed all them that go a whoring from thee.
Psalm 73:25-27

Anna Bartlett Warner's mother died soon after she was born.  The Warner family lived on Constitution Island, in the Hudson Bat just opposite the West Point Military Academy. The Warners owned the entire island, making their home in a Revolutionary War-era farmhouse. While the sisters did not earn much money from their many books, they did manage to spend most winters in New York City, where they had friends among the literary set. The family had a love of the things of God and decided to reach out to the cadets at the military academy. So, each Sunday several cadets would row in boats across the Bay to have lunch in the Warner home. After some time, they decided that they should conduct Bible studies with the cadets in their home. So, cadets took turns coming into their home for a meal and a study of the scripture. Even after the passing of their father, the daughters, Susan and Anna held Bible studies with the cadets in their home. This continued until Anna’s death at the age of 95 in 1950. Many of these cadets came to know the Lord Jesus as their personal Saviors and continued to serve in the United States Armed Forces- many becoming some of the highest ranking generals and commanders of the time.
In 1860, Anna Warner wrote the song that is known to so many around the world today… a song that has been translated into most languages and sung around the world… “Jesus loves me.”

Jesus loves me! this I know,
For the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong;
they are weak but He is strong.

Chorus: Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
The Bible tells me so.

Jesus loves me! loves me still,
'tho I'm very weak and ill,
that I might from sin be free,
bled and died upon the tree.

Jesus loves me! He who died
heaven's gate to open wide;
He will wash away my sin,
let His little child come in.

Jesus loves me! He will stay
close beside me all the way.
Thou hast bled and died for me,
I will henceforth live for Thee.

Chorus in Spanish: Sí, Cristo me ama,
Sí, Cristo me ama,
Sí, Cristo me ama,
La Biblia dice así.

German: Ja Jesus liebt mich,
Ja Jesus liebt mich,
Ja Jesus liebt mich,
Der Bible mir es sagt.

Chinese: Choo Yea Su ai wo,
Choo Yea Su ai wo,
Choo Yea Su ai wo,
Yeo Sern Su kau soo wo.

Bemba (African): Yesu antemwa,
Cine antemwa,
Yesus antemwa,
Baibo anjebe fi.

French: Oui, Jesus m'aime
Oui, Jesus m'aime
Oui, Jesus m'aime
La Bible m'a dit.

Russian: Lyoo-beet Ee-ee-soos.
Lyoo-beet Ee-ee-soos.
Lyoo-beet Ee-ee-soos.
E-to tvyer-do snah-yoo yah.

Swahili: Yesu anipenda
Yesu anipenda
Yesu anipenda
Neno lake lasema

and many other languages as well!
Anna Warner lived her life serving the One true God- the God she loved and trusted. Her service has impacted and touched the lives of millions around the world, since the song was published in 1860.

As for us: What have we done to serve the One- the Son of God gave his life for us. As is quoted of C.T. Studd, “If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.” Have I surrendered my life to God to serve Him in whatever manner he has placed me in? Am I doing all that I can to spread the gospel of Christ? May this challenge you as it did me. I know that I haven’t done my best- but may I strive to serve the God of heaven and of earth.


Have a good week in your service for Him,

Amanda :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

His love

I was just enjoying this song on the radio today. So often we marvel at God's love for us- but truly His love is one that doesn't change based on what we have (or haven't done) or on who we are. He has a love fr us at all time- a God of second chances, a God of REAL love, a God that loves us for us.

Enjoy the lyrics and thank God for His love for you.

Who will love me for me?
Not for what I have done or what I will become
Who will love me for me?
‘Cause nobody has shown me what love
What love really means, what love really means

I will love you for you
Not for what you have done or what you will become
I will love you for you
I will give you the love, the love that you never knew