Monday, September 12, 2011

A Vessel of Mercy

This is a song I have been enjoying of late.

Lord I want to be all you want to be
Your service is my desire. 
I so want to know you, and in your love grow with heavenly

I yield my life to you; I’m willing to be used
Where ever you bid me I’ll go
So Lord Jesus daily I pray that you’ll break me that your love I might show

Fill me, with love and compassion and fashion. 
My heart to be a vessel worthy of you.

Am I a willing vessel for the service of God? Am I half heartedly serving Him or have I fully surrendered to Him to serve Him and do all things to glorify Him?'

Have a good day! :)


  1. One of my all time favorite songs.
    I hope to never lose sight of the message and that it can be said of me after that I was made "as seemed good to the potter to make it." (Jer 18:4)

  2. Thank you for your comment Joel! I too have appreciated this song and the meaning behind the words. Thank you for adding the verse- may we strive to be awork of the Master maker himself.


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