Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I will sing the wondrous story

Many I know are suffering from what Tim Woodford diagnosed to us as P.S.S.L.D.S (Post SeedSowers Let Down Syndrome). After a week of intense walking, fellowship, friends, conversations, devotions, testimonies, activities, and singing, it is hard to get back into the grind of daily life. Personally, I had a great week at the Phoenix, AZ seed sowers this year, and it truly is hard to come back. However, I pray that I can take what I learned during the week and better my life from the lessons. I also pray that I will not stop the spread of the gospel at the end of the week, but continue to serve God here in Omaha now that I am home. What am I doing for HIM?

The middle of last week brought a song that was enjoyed by all. It is a song that many sing, but we learned a little different tune inspired by those in the Ireland/N.I./England area. The tune is catching and many were found singing it out on the streets, in the vans, when you woke up, and just about everywhere during the week. But truly the story we have to share is wondrous :)

A little background of the song:
I will sing the Wondrous Story
lyrics: Francis Harold Rowley (1854-1952)
original music: Peter Philip Bilhorn (1865-1936)
Francis Rowley was born on July 25, 1854 and after being educated at the University of Rochester and Rochester Theological Seminary, Rowley became the Baptist minister of the First Baptist Chirch of North Adams, MA. During his time of ministry, the church was having a revival which was causing the whole community to experience a period of unusual interest in religious matters. Rowley was assisted by a young musician, Peter Bilhorn, who served as the song director for the church. 

One Sunday, following the service, Bilhorn asked Rowley to write a hymn that Bilhorn could put to music. The following night, Rowley had the following stanzas come to him to which Bilhorn later composed a tune (Wondrous Story). Some years later, Francis Rowley was walking through the streets of London at about 11 o'clock at night when he heard a Salvation Army group holding a service. As he drew near he realized that the words they were singing where the ones he had written so many years prior. Peter Bilhorn had written the song and it became an instant success. The song was first written as "Can't you sing the wondrous story" However, the song was first published by Ira Sankey in 1887 as "I will sing the Wondrous Story" after it was given as a gift to him from Rowley and Bilhorn. Bilhorn wrote over 2,000 gospel songs during his time. 

1. I will sing the wondrous story
Of the Christ Who died for me;
How He left His home in glory
For the cross of Calvary
     Yes, I'll sing the wondrous story
     Of the Christ Who died for me,
     Sing it with the saints in glory,
     Gathered by the crystal sea.

2. I was lost, but Jesus found me.
Found the sheep that went astray,
Threw His loving arms around me.
Drew me back into His way.

3. I was bruised, but Jesus healed me.
Faint was I from many a fall,
Sight was gone, and fears possessed me,
But He freed me from them all.

4. Days of darkness still come o'er me,
Sorrow's path I often tread,
But His presence still is with me,
By His guiding hand I'm led.

5. He will keep me till the river
Rolls its water at my feet;
Then He'll bear me safely over,
When the loved ones I shall meet.

*I will sing the Wondrous Story -The Celebration Choir (Monuments of Faith CD)
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever. Psalm 89:1


  1. Post noted and appreciated! :)

    Who taught the tune?

  2. ya, I basically have fallen in love with this song. Its gorgeous, and.... I believe the next hymn sing will be at Marion, want help try and get a few more listening to it so we can try it???

  3. Erika: Thank you. John D and company taught the tune

    Jacob: Glad you like it. There are a few from Marion including the McCalleys that would know the tune.


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