Wednesday, February 1, 2012

No Greater Love

It is hard to believe that it is February when I can walk outside without a heavy jacket on. This winter has been very mild for which I am personally thankful... I mean- who gets two 65 degree days together at the end of January in Nebraska!?  I see there is snow in the forecast for this weekend, however, I shall not complain about the cold and snow after the week of BEAUTIFUL weather we've had- instead I will curl up with my electric blanket and sip a hot cup of chai tea! :)

February seems to be a month centered around Valentine's day and love. At the start of February I couldn't help but think of the Father's love for me because there is no greater love imaginable :) God is the God of love and as the quote from St. Augustine says
"God loves each of us as if there were only one of us."
-- what an amazing thing that He can love us so much that he sent his only begotten Son for us.
(John 3:16) 

Each day (since it is a short month + leap day this year) I hope to share a short something of the love of God. Today, I'd like to share with you a song I love listening to- Boundless Love... He has a love that is never ending which is something that is hard to fathom in 2012. Enjoy... :)

sung by The Cathedrals

or by Legacy Five
Verse 1

There is not a mother, sister, friend or brother

Loves the way that Jesus can.

He proved His love for me when He died on Calvary

He gave His life for fallen man.


His love is a boundless love

and it reaches down and touches me

his love is an endless love

that will last thru all eternity

Verse 2

Jesus wants to love you, there is none above you

You are precious in his sight.

He will never fail you when the doubts assail you

He’ll be with you day and night.

Enjoy God's love in what is left of the 1st of February 2012!

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