Saturday, March 10, 2012

What's buzzin... Sunday School Treat

Black, white, and yellow... and bees
The theme of this year's treat for the Sunday School treat

Games were a hit. 
Food was abundant. 
Lesson was good. 
Prizes brought the concluding smiles! :)

The following are some of the pictures from the event: 
*NOTE: If you would like picture(s) in the original size or want a picture from a particular part of the day I did not post all of the pictures, so I will try my best to get you whatever pictures you would like to have. Also- if there is something you would like removed- just let me know*

The centerpieces turned prizes for the ladies attending :)
Yes- even black, white, & yellow M&Ms to enjoy!

The welcoming sign!

 The day happened to be on Sarah's birthday- her sisters did a very cute cake that fit right in!! 
Happy Bee-day!

While the older kids started off the day with some soccer outside...
The little ones were chaperoned by Suzy to inside ball activities!
 The aunt showing the nephew how it is done

Soccer... Omaha style led by Danny showing them how it should be done!

The busy bees getting the food ready: hamburgers, brats, & hotdogs- oh my!
And the hanging colored decorations! :)

 The games Part II: 
Thanks to David for his great work on the games!

 Relays #1- 2 legged races

 Partners in crime: skirts in their pockets to dominate the race :)

Relay #2: 2 legged race while kicking a soccer ball
 Danny giving his teammates some encouragement before the race starts-- cheaters cough cough

Winners of the relay races 1 & 2 :)
 The winning team's bag... and they were proud of it
 Relay #3: Jump rope relay across the parking lot

 Game 4: Scavenger hunt
Suzy's team's way of carrying all the items (skirt)
 Maria & Michael's team transportation for their items (sled & wheelchair)

Lesson given by Conductor (Grandpa) Jesse & Engineer Tim! :)
Thanks for the message... both children and adults were captivated and listening... train, whistle and all!
 The prizes awaited tempting the children throughout the day! :)

The regular Sunday School students receiving their hard-earned prizes.

The yellow bags were also awarded to any child in attendance! :)

The yellow soap... well there were some ladies who were awarded with them and the plants for their attendance!

A final picture capturing much of the crowd.

It was a great day- thanks to everyone for pitching in to help make the day a success! 

Thank you to David and (Mom) Beth for you diligence and faithfulness to the students in teaching them the truths of the Bible. Your hard work will be rewarded one day soon. 

Off to catch some ZZZs after a buzzzzy day, 
-Amanda :)


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