Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Summer Siesta

I took an unplanned break from my blog this summer.

I return home shortly after another month in Mexico. I have studied Spanish for many hours a day, worked hard, laughed lots, slept little (compared to what I'd wish for), planned, prayed hard, enjoyed being with the Christians and workers in Zapopan (and other areas), helped in a series of children's meetings, seeing a few friends after a long time apart, and growing closer with others. I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to visit and study the language here another summer. I have learned more than I could ever share and have been challenged in many ways.

As I come awake from this siesta I am starting something new on my blog.
First, I would like to thank a good friend for helping change the blog's look into something new and helping me get things going again! Thanks (J)! :)

Second, I would like to introduce my new themes.
On Mondays I would like to share little meditations of scripture 
and thoughts I have been enjoying with you. 

 Since I start my student teaching practicum next week, I would like to share stories or 
snippets of my experience. Being in a first grade classroom there is bound to be funny, sad, 
frustrating, exciting, joyful... just about any kind of story this semester!

On Thursdays I would like to share a thought with you... 
it might be a quote, a piece I've been challenged by, a question, a verse... 
something to think about on Thursdays!

I hope you enjoy the blog and my new themes I will be trying my best to stick to. Seeing as the title of my blog implies procrastination... and I am a procrastinator... I am going to work at getting everything up in time :) Stayed tuned for the start on Monday!

-Amanda :)


  1. Good to hear from you again:) I love the new look:) And I for one and looking forward to your new themed posts.


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