Well- last week ended with 2 SNOW DAYS! :)
However, that means we didn't get to a few of the lessons last week- but that's ok :)
Here's this week's plan (I'm teaching all classes*):
1st: Assess Zoo Animals (el tigre, el león, el elefante, la cebra, el mono)
Introduce Body Parts (los ojos, las orejas, la nariz, las manos, la boca)
2nd: Assess Farm Animals (el perro, el gato, el ratón, la vaca, la oveja, etc)
3rd: Assess Transportation (el carro, etc)
Introduce Telephone Vocabulary
4th: Day 1 Review with a game of jeopardy
Day 2 Assessment and Dominican Republic Culture Study
5th: Day 1 Practice Conversation, Comprender/Leer/Estudiar present tense activity
Day 2 Study Guide and Review Game
6th: Day 1 Assessment and Culture
Day 2 lesson 1 Drink vocabulary and activity
Here's a peek at snow day #1
A view of last week-
6th graders reviewing and practicing their frutas (by eating of course)
A cute profile activity where students described their dreams
A snowman craftivity that another teacher had posted!
Yay for snow days! Love the pictures too! :) I know you're doing a great job!