Friday, March 22, 2013

Fun for Friday: Sunday School Treat

Just recently we had our annual Sunday School Treat to reward the children for their hard work. 
I have included some picture collages. 
As you'll be able to tell our theme was... GOLDFISH :)

No goldfish themed event is complete without live goldfish. They made up our table centerpieces and were displayed on the food line as well. Kids were able to take them home at the end. 

 Each level of participation had a different themed bag/box!

 No event is complete without food. We had sandwiches, jello cups with fish, a variety of orange chips, goldfish themed cupcakes, as well as, "bubble water" & "ocean juice" for drinks. 



  1. Thanks- the work was more in putting together the ideas! :) It turned out well I thought though! :)


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